Every Single Day, 47 Precious Lives are Challenged...

Let's give them a fighting chance.

Each day, 47 children, ranging from infancy through age 19, receive a heart-wrenching cancer diagnosis. Yet, the funds for their fight are grossly insufficient. Out of the billions allocated by the FEDERAL government for cancer research, a meager 4% is dedicated to childhood cancer. The disparity is stark, and the consequences are dire. Our children deserve more. Let’s stand up for them. Let’s give them a fighting chance.

About Book for Hope®

Book for Hope® is a registered 501(c)3 organization that provides vital support for families in Kentucky, Southern Illinois, and Northern Tennessee whose children have been diagnosed with cancer. Our mission is multi-fold: raising awareness about childhood cancer, providing financial assistance to families with a child actively undergoing cancer treatment, and contributing to research aimed at eradicating this devastating disease. We understand the hardships these families face, and we’re committed to being there for them in their hour of need.

Why Your Support is Needed

Many Survival Rates for Childhood Cancer Linger Below 50%

2 Out of 3 Childhood Cancer Surivors Will Face Chronic Health Conditions, Including Secondary Cancers

There Are Only Seven Treatments Specifically Developed and FDA Approved for Children

Childhood cancer is alarmingly underfunded, receiving only 4% of federal funding for cancer research. This disparity starkly contrasts the fact that cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among children in the United States. Although there have been improvements in treating some forms of childhood cancer, many survival rates linger below 50%, with some even less than 1%. It’s a harsh reality that one in six American children diagnosed with cancer will not survive past five years.

Moreover, for the brave children who do survive, two out of three will face chronic health conditions, including secondary cancers, due to their treatments. These treatments are often outdated, designed for adults, or repurposed, with only six treatments specifically developed and FDA approved for children in the past thirty years. The delay in starting pediatric clinical trials after adult trials averages a staggering 6.5 years.

Our children deserve better, and your support can make that happen. You have the power to change this narrative. Your contribution aids us in raising awareness, increasing funding for childhood cancer research, and directly assisting families shouldering the burdensome expenses linked to treatment. In essence, your support extends a lifeline to these families in their most challenging times, giving them hope for a better future.



Tyrielle Caldwell was diagnosed in March 2018 with Neuroblastoma at the age of six-years-old. She loves the color pink. Tyrielle’s favorite food is macaroni and cheese. One of her most favorite things is YouTube kids. Will you please help Tyrielle grow up and fulfill...

Our Warriors

This page is a heartfelt tribute to the brave children who are actively fighting against cancer. Their resilience inspires us every day, and we want to share their stories with you. Come, get to know our warriors.

Get Involved

There’s always room in the Book for Hope® family for more compassionate hearts. Whether you wish to volunteer your time, organize an event, or advocate for childhood cancer awareness, this page provides all the information you need to become a part of our mission.


From fundraising galas to awareness drives, our events are at the heart of our efforts. Visit this page to learn more about our upcoming events and how you can join us in making a difference.


Financial contributions are the lifeblood of our organization. Your generous giving, whether as a recurring monthly donation or a one-time gift, allows us to continue supporting families and funding research. Donate today and write a new chapter of hope in a child’s life.

In Memory

In this space, we honor the beautiful young lives that were cut short by cancer. This is our tribute to their courage and spirit. They may have lost their battles, but through our memories, they continue to inspire us.

Amelia Joy Mount

Amelia Joy Mount

"Dear God, please take my cancer away" Amelia Joy Mount, lovingly known as Millie, was just 2.5 years old when she was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Millie is the baby of nine siblings. Her favorite times were at home with her family on our farm. She enjoyed...

Our Blog

Stay updated on the latest news, updates, and insights surrounding Book for Hope® and childhood cancer awareness. Our blog serves as a hub for stories of hope, advances in research, and ways you can make a difference.

Daniel’s Life After His Cancer Battle

Daniel’s Life After His Cancer Battle

Daniel is a very quiet young man who loves to play video games and just be a kid and then one day he came home from school and said, “Mom I don’t feel good!”  I didn’t think anything about this but then I’d check on Daniel at night and he would be perspiring badly or...

Hope & Dreams of Changing the Face of Pediatric Cancer

Hope & Dreams of Changing the Face of Pediatric Cancer

When you hear the two words, pediatric cancer, what image pops into your head? Do you see a little girl that is no more than six years old who is so sick, and has tubes of medication flowing in and out of her from an IV pole? Or do you see a boy that is so weak from...

I Am a Cancer Survivor!

I Am a Cancer Survivor!

How did I hear about Book for Hope? The story goes a little something like this. Everyone knows the most wonderful Gaylon Hayden, who reached out to my family and me through social media. We started talking and messaging than we quickly became friends. As we were...