On Your Mark, Set, Go!!

February 19, 2020

Facing an obstacle course in life can be difficult. You jump over the hurdles of pain, crawl under the struggles that you encounter, and climb up the rock wall of life. I believe obstacles are in our lives to challenge us to grow as a person.  We get to learn how to handle what comes at us in life and hopefully we do so with the proper perspective and positive attitude. It gets us set to go and pursue the long-distance marathon we call our life.

Everyone encounters obstacles.  For me, I face them daily. From where my cancer was located, I have secondary health issues.  But you know what?  I’m here, alive, and happy to handle my health issues.  I absolutely love every day!

I know we all face life challenges.  I hope that when you are confronted with your next obstacle, that you will be blessed with perspective and a positive attitude. I choose to face mine with fun, laughter, and positivity. How do you face your challenges?

I am reminded of the quote from Charles R. Swindoll who once said, “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”  Now, who wouldn’t agree with this!


From Positively Jessica

Jessica Meyer is 15 years old and a three-year pediatric brain cancer survivor.  She is an advocate, public speaker, and ambassador with the hopes and dreams of changing the face of pediatric cancer.